Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I do not usually make New Year resolutions... but I think I am up for the challenge this year. So here goes nothing.


1. Lose weight (40 to 60 lbs)
a. Track food everyday
b. Work out 2 or 3 days a week

2. Dressing for the job I want instead of the job I have
a. Doing my hair every morning
b. Putting on make-up

3. Organize and clean my house more

4. Blog more often

5. Make a bucket list

20 Ways On How To Actually Change For This New Year

I stole this, but I thought it had some really good points! :)

1. Excuses.
There is always an excuse – why you can’t do it, why today it didn’t happen, how you’re going to do it tomorrow. When we find excuses for not doing things, we’re rebelling. We just want to stay in a comfort zone. See how this comes up again? A part of it is that your ego feels threatened by moving forward and wants to protect you.But really, you’re totally safe.When you do something you haven’t done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: “Watch out! Danger!” and then fear kicks in.But my answer to that is
“No. FEAR is fucking awesome”
This reframe changes the game. We say “I can’t,” but really we’re afraid to try something new. That’s the truth and we’re afraid to admit it, or to even prove ourselves wrong. You are capable of more. You can handle more, even in the midst of a challenge. Try it, you may be surprised, and bust a limiting belief.

2. Perfectionism
When you get caught up in ideals, you create resistance that gets in the way of your motivation. You’re stuck focusing on the ideal and think “If its not perfect, why bother?” We’re so addicted to this in our society. We feel that getting the best grades, getting the awards, getting all these accolades defines us and holds the basis of our self-worth. And if we don’t get the gold star, we beat ourselves up and miss the point. If you get caught with in achieving perfect results, you’re never going to start anything. You’re paralyzed.

Thomas Edison invented 3,000 duds before he invented the lightbulb. He himself did not call it failure. Instead, he said: “Any of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

3. Comparing yourself to others
This is another potent motivation-zapper. Even worse, it can prevent you from finding your own path. Motivation is truly personal.Study what motivates others as inspiration, but if it gets you stuck or moving backwards with doubt, then why bother? It’s easy to get lost in someone else’s life, wishing that it was your own.Trying to be ‘like’ ANYONE is a total waste of time.Yes, we’re all guilty of it. Remember: there is only one of YOU.The universe made you perfect. Ignoring that and trying to emulate someone else is a slap in the face.

4. Thinking that you’re not ‘good enough
If, like me, you grew up hearing “You have to prove yourself to the world!”, that mantra probably still follows you. It can run you to the ground. I understand that in your work you have to show your abilities or your skills to prove you can deliver. But you shouldn’t rely on that for self-validation.If you’ve been told you’re not good enough, I understand the programming. It hurts and digs deep. But make no mistake: it’s a LIE.You have to be motivated to fulfill your soul’s desire, to create your own happiness, healing and harmony.If you were born, then you are good enough.

5. Doing too much at once.
Bitten off more than you can chew? That might be sabotaging your progress. You’ve got to pull back a little bit and really look at what’s going on. Don’t be a slave to your ego. I get snagged by this one and always have to step back to make sure my choices are in alignment with my soul. If you feel that it’s too overwhelming, take one step at a time.

6. Baby steps.
The solution here is to hone in on your goal, desire, or dream. Life will happen. It will always take more time, more money or more anything than you anticipated. Don’t let it stop you, and remember to check in with your WHY. It’s about setting goals that stretch you outside of your comfort zone and you believe, on one level, that you can achieve. Go for a C+, good enough and I promise you will do better. It’s a great way to trick the ego and make it right. This may keep you motivated to do more. Being aware and taking passionate action keeps you on the level and open to enjoying the adventure.

7. Haters Gonna Hate.

Understand people’s actions, even when hurtful, rarely have anything to do with you. It’s easy to read into the negativity of others and see it as a slight to our personality or challenge to our ego. Yet this type of reaction can trigger unnecessary stress and prevent you from focusing on the positive things in your life. People are people; there’s never a need to link their behavior and your happiness. Knowing this gives you freedom to feel the confidence you deserve.

8. Keep laughing.

Let your brain give vent to the endorphins that will fill you with authentic happiness and internal confidence. Laughter releases some of the tension that invariably builds in your body each day. Pepper your routine with the people or media that make you most happy. You don’t have to overdo it, but a bit of levity goes a long way toward elevating your levels of confidence

9. Embrace the quiet.

Many people are eager to populate every waking second with activity. With a world moving at the speed of broadband, the problem blooms more with every passing day. Realize you can be comfortable alone with your thoughts and you will provide your internal processes the space needed to develop. This will make you more comfortable with yourself, helping you appear more confident to others.

10. Make a budget.

If this isn’t natural for you, take the time to do it anyway. Claiming control of your finances is an early step to a healthy attitude about money. Though many people believe confidence comes with having lots of cash, confidence accompanies a clear picture of what you have and what you need.

11. Don’t gossip.

Exit conversations that swim in hearsay. Indulging in idle chatter might make you feel in the loop, but the feeling is fleeting and will leave you wondering what others are saying about you when you’re not around. Take the high road – you’ll feel better inside and appear far more confident to others around you.

12. Do as you say and say as you do.

This doesn’t mean you have to draw neat lines through all of life’s to-do’s, but if you articulate your goals, and start to accomplish them, easy ones first, you will develop a mindset of success. This, in turn, makes it easier to feel confident. Your goals could be anything from running your first 5K to finally cleaning out the garage; learning how to strum a guitar or play the piano. Whatever your goals, find something you truly desire, make a promise to see it through to the end, then feel the confidence of success.

13. Make peace with your body.

You will always want to stay active and improve your health, but your confidence comes with the understanding that no matter your size, shape, number of wrinkles or height, you are a person who deserves love and dignity from yourself and those around you. Truly know this, and confidence will bleed through your skin.

14. Realize you know more than you think you do.

All those things you think everyone else just knows? Well, they don’t. If you don’t know something, there’s no shame in asking for the answer. Admitting you don’t have the answer is the first step toward finding it, and the right answers pave the road to confidence.

15. Be enthusiastic.
Playing it cool is a great way to ignore your honest emotions and bury the authentic you. Be happy and excited, and allow the world to see it. Your joy will be infectious, your confidence contagious.

16. Interact with animals and nature

– It’s funny when you consider how humans put so much importance on their own tiny problems. Animals don’t think this way. A little bird doesn’t mope around because it isn’t an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed. Animals live in the present moment and they show love unconditionally. Observing and interacting with them will help you get over your problems.

17. Break your routine

Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing. It often leads to getting caught in a rut. To get out of it you need to temporarily change your routine. If you can, take a day off from work. Do something you don’t normally have time for or something you’ve never tried. In the long run, taking a day off every now and then to get out of slump will make you happier and more productive.

18. Be Positive
Be that motivating force for your friends, family, and even yourself There are too many naysayers in this world. Stand up and make a difference. It will not only affect your happiness, but also the people who you care for and love.

19. Get Extreme

Pushing your limits will also push back your ego aka comfort zone. Jumping out of an airplane, going skydiving, or doing any type of extreme sports are the best way of doing it. Push yourself to actually go out and jump out of that plane. Once the duty is done, you will have a new concept on how to live your life. Never hold back, push the mold, and reap the benefits of taking risks.

20. Live Life

I hate to sound cliche, but we only live once. Its 100% true and if you don’t seize your opportunities, then you are just letting the grim reaper steal time on your life clock. Start finishing your bucket list now!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Capt'n Jack's seafood cream sauce


Jack Oser, AKA Capt'n Jack, sells soups every week at the Gretna Farmers Market. He shared this rich, versatile sauce recipe that he uses for pasta, fried fish, fried or grilled eggplant, or steamed or grilled asparagus.

His suggestion for a special dinner: Find No. 1 softshell crabs, and make the sauce with a pint of lump crabmeat. Let the sauce sit about three minutes, then serve it over the fried softshells.

Makes 4 to 8 servings

1 stick butter

2 onions, chopped

1 bunch green onions, chopped

¼ cup minced celery

Garlic to taste

1 pound medium shrimp, peeled (or crawfish or lump crabmeat)

½ cup flour

1 quart whole milk

1 pint heavy cream

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1/3 cup dry white wine (optional)

½ bunch parsley, minced

Salt and white pepper

½ teaspoon cayenne (optional)

1 or 2 bay leaves

Chopped mushrooms (optional)

In a saucepan melt butter and add onions, green onions, celery and garlic. Add shrimp and cook until shrimp turn pink. Add flour and stir in completely. Add about half the whole milk and half the cream. Let simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes, stirring often. Add more milk and cream to desired thickness. Add Worcestershire, wine (if using), parsley, salt and white pepper to taste, cayenne if using, bay leaves, and chopped mushrooms if using. Let seasonings marry, over low heat, about 5 minutes. Stir well.

I just made the BEST dinner. Linked the recipe. I traded out whole milk with skim & heavy whipping cream with Fat Free half and half & real butter with a low fat butter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why is there a puddle of water in the middle of the road during this heat wave??

For the past 5 days or so, there as been a puddle in the middle of the four lane road that runs in front of my apartment complex. After telling my mom about it, she tells me to call DOTD. So today I finally work up the courage to call. (I hate calling these types of places because they are usually moody, rude, and very unhelpful... but then I thought about Grey's Anatomy this past week with the sink hole in the middle of the road it helped to summon the courage. haha)
I pick up the phone and dial the 800 number listed on DOTD's website. Once I finally get to the customer service desk and explain the situation they tell me "Please hang up and call this number for Public Works" So I call Public Works and explain everything again. They in turn tell me "Please hang up and call this number." (Public Works only gave a number, no department name.) I then call the department with no name who tells me to call the water company. I hang up again and call the water company. This is when I realize that the only way to talk to someone at the water company without having an account number (which we don't have because the apartment complex pays for the water) is to use the emergency option. I hate the thought of using the emergency option knowing this is not an emergency, but they left me no choice. Luckily, the lady I reached at the emergency line was very nice and understand. She transferred me to Operations where I got to speak with a man who pretty much laughed at me for calling in a possible water leak in the middle of the road.
Makes me wonder why I even bother... Maybe HIM was right when he said "why is it your job to call?" :(

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My first ever NFL game!

I went to a NFL game!! HIM got tickets from his boss. I think it was a bribe for him for working 70 hours last week, but I'm ok with that. YAY for Saints tickets and the big paycheck! - The best part (besides finally getting to spend some time with HIM after all that work) the Saints won! But boy was it a nail biter! Geez....
I was also highly impressed with the number of people who showed up! The Superdome was packed!

We had a great time! Of course HIM had to try and explain to me everything that was going on... but I will learn. It was so much more exciting than sitting on the couch watching the game. And the noise that place makes - I was amazed by how loud it gets in there with everyone screaming trying to distract the other team. It was a great way to end the weekend.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I made a hat!

For the past 5 years or so, my sister and I have dressed up together for Halloween. This seems to be getting a bit harder since I have a boyfriend now and finding threesome costumes with two females and one males isn't as easy as you would think. This year I said screw the gender roles! My sister and I will be Mario and Luigi! And what will my boyfriend be you ask? Prince Peach of course!
I have bought skirt overalls and already have a green shirt to wear (I will be Luigi) So this weekend I made this hat from an awesome tutorial I found at Whitney Sews and this is how it turned out...

and I lined it with this cute cherry print I found

It was very easy to follow Whitney's tutorial. Even though I was constantly rewinding the video. (I can be a bit slow sometimes) The hardest part was making it fitting. I should have tried it on before I sewed the brim in and stitched it all the way around... then I wouldn't have had to rip and re-stitch to make it fit.
Anyways, as soon as I get the L on it it will be perfect!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

most amazing pan ever

This would be the most amazing pan ever that I was talking about yesterday!

A friend informed me today that "it also has a stand that goes on top of it. Like a V rack." - This sounds familiar... but I honestly can't remember.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ahoy! Ya horn swollgin' swabbie!

(Hooray for talk like a pirate day!)

Good morning! Wow, what a busy week/ weekend.
Quick recap of last week...
I re-started a blog! (because I want to quit facebook) I will try to write more than once a week. ;)
I started boot camp with my sister! Clarence is great! If you are in the BR area check him out!
Started looking for a new job in the cosmetology industry. By Friday I had an interview at a hair salon. - It looked like a great place to work. However, I don't think it was the place for me.

My weekend started off bringht and early... at 6:30 in the morning (HIM was not a happy camper) with cleaning a house, as usual. The good and badabout that... The bad: My mom wasn't there to help me out this weekend becauseher mom and sister were in town from FL for a Scentsy Party. The good: I madeall the money and didn't have to share. :) and I got to see my grandmaw. <3
After cleaning the house I had to rush home and cook some lunch (beans andfranks!) and shower because HIM's parents were coming in town for the Scentsyparty. I barely had time to get out of the shower and throw a dress on beforethey were there. I dried my hair for all of 5 minutes (and when you have 2.5 feetof hair that isn't very long) and HIM's mom and I were off to my mom's for theparty. - I should probably interject here how much I dislike these parties. Ihate begging my friends to come to my house so they can be bombarded by a pushy sales person who is not only tryingto sell stuff, but also trying to make you become a sales person under them.With that being said... I am also a sucker to help out a friend/ family member.So I end up having/ going to lots of these parties. – The Scentsy party wentmuch better than expected. My aunt probably sold around $500. I of course hadto buy a ton of stuff including:
For the office: Chateau Mid-Size Scentsy Warmer

For my home: Graphite Mid-Size Scentsy Warmer
For Halloween!!: Jack O' Lantern Full-Size Scentsy Warmer
And because I am so indecisive... a ton of different scents. I hope I like them all.
This is my aunt Grace's Scentsy Site.

After all that smell good stuff, HIM's parents took us out to eat at Joe's Crab Shack. Then HIM and I returned home to crash and get ready for moving furniture on Bogalusa on Sunday.

My great aunt and uncle both died within the past year and my great (?)cousin recently sold their family home. So we volunteered to go down toBogalusa and pick up some of the family heirlooms and other knickknacks/ keepsakes we wanted before it was all sold in the estate sale. The one thing Ifound and could not live without… A broiling pan! I know you are thinking that’ssilly, broiling pans are a dime a dozen. NOT this pan, trust me. It is a pain Ihave been scouring the local Good Wills and Salvation Army’s for, for a longtime! And not too long ago I had actually found the top part but not the bottomso I had bought it… but now I have the complete pan! Oh the joys that will comefrom my kitchen now. - No worries I will take a picture of the pan and post it as soon as I think about it.

After all was said and done HIM and I relaxed on the couch and made a 90's play list on Spotify. - Which totally made my weekend awesome. I love when we can sit together and enjoy each others company.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life.” - Do you know how many times a year I say that? Probably around…. Ummm….. 365 times?

I really hate first post. I have so much to tell and feel very scatter brained in trying to get it all down in a semi-flowy way.

About me:

I am 28 (geez when did I get so old!). And I have been blogging since I was 17.

I live with my boyfriend of almost 2 yrs in a two bedroom apartment. (We are slowly learning to live together. HAHA)

I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA.

I am 5’7” with giant hazel eyes and long hair that changes color fairly regularly.

As I mentioned earlier I am currently working on losing weight and then keeping it off. I joined Weight Watchers in July and have lost my first 10 lbs. Today I have signed up for a “boot camp” work out class. I am embarrassing out of shape for someone who use to play soccer in high school and was able to run a 7 minute mile.

I went to Cosmetology School. Graduated, but didn’t do hair for long.

I am currently “enrolled” at the local Community College. – I have not taken a class in over a year and a half. I tried to schedule classes this year but forgot to turn in my financial aid in time.

I have been at my job for 3 years as an administrator. – I use to love my job, but that was before the other administrator started having an affair with one of the bosses and made everyone’s lives hell.

I am passive aggressive and can be overly negative.

I am a control freak. – I don’t know exactly when this started, but I think I am starting to have an idea. I am hoping my meditation with help with this. – I am working towards achieving this quote “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

I am highly competitive, in a weird jealous sort of way. – This too is a recent thing and I am sure I can kick to the curb.

I am a procrastinator.

I am a nerd.

I can be overly compassionate and helpful. Especially for the underdog… but unfortunately not the homeless.

I hate cleaning my own house… but clean house for other people on the weekends.

I love owls (and always have).

My favorite colors are purple, grey, and black.

I have a Yorkie named Harley (whom I love more than anything), who lives with my parents. – Another long story.

I love Grey’s Anatomy, 500 Days of Summer, anime, cartoons, Law and Order SVU, Zooey Deschanel (and I can’t wait to see New Girl!!), Dr. Who, Weeds, Nurse Jackie, Eureka, Psych, and others I can’t think of right now.

I am actually out to change quite a few things before 2012. On the short list there is:
1.       Lose weight (starting weight 230 - goal weight 150-145)
2.       Not be so negative
3.       Learn to meditate
4.       Learn how to be more personally accountable

Other things I want to do (but I know it will take time)
1.       Knit something more useful than a wash cloth
2.       Spend more time crafting and less time watching TV
3.       Read more
4.       Run a 5k
5.    Complete some of the DIY projects I have laying around